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Performative Practice Research Presentation
presented in Joint Academy Independent Study Presentation 'Put Your Hands Down' at the end of academic year 23/24, School of Dance, HKAPA
Performers: Sammi Chiu, Henry Man
Researchers: Wong Hong Yan, Sammi Chiu, Henry Man
Advisors: Mr. Dam van Huynh, Prof. Joseph Gonzales, Ms Leila McMillan
At the beginning of this performative practice research, in hindsight, it was a question to ask - is there a way and how to build up/train/strengthen the mystical charm as a performer and try to develop a practice that uses other physical/bodily expressive functions. The deconstruction of practice is a lot of things itself - consolidating my understanding towards the skills of performing, distinguishing the nuance in performative skills and movement technique, practicing a clear(er) way of delivery to audience, and searching for what more possibilities dance (performance) can do apart from showing the familiar layer of coded physical expressions. Tapping back on laying out the sophisticated composition of awareness within a dancer while performing, it’s only a beginning and I’m excited to see where/what/how this can grow into.
Photo credits to To Wing
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